David Kim

  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, NCSU, 2018
  • PhD Student, Mechanical Engineering, 2018 – Present
Research Interests:
  • Soft Robotics
  • Dynamics
  • Vibrations
  • Energy Harvesting
Current Research:
  • Linear dynamometer testing of hydraulic artificial muscles
  • Recruitment state and actuator spacing performance effects
Previous Research:
  • Tandem hybrid wind-solar energy harvester (NCSU MAE Undergraduate)

In my spare time, I enjoy playing piano and trombone, singing, playing tennis and basketball, and hiking.

  1. Mazzoleni, N., and Bryant, M., “Toward synergistic performance of integrated wind-solar hybrid energy harvesting structures,” Proc. SPIE Conference on Smart Structures and Materials: Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, March 3-7, Denver, CO, 2019.