Bio-inspired actuator architecture
Research Abstract:
Biological musculature has evolved to adapt to a tremendous variety of tasks. By drawing inspiration from the observed patterns and methods in biological systems, we create novel mechanical systems. These bio-inspired systems often contain unexplored methods of increasing actuation efficiency, improving spatial packaging, and maximizing performance.
Select publications:
Meller, M., Chipka, J., Volkov, A., Bryant, M., and Garcia, E., “Improving Actuation Efficiency Through Variable Recruitment Hydraulic McKibben Muscles: Modeling, Orderly Recruitment Control, and Experiments,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 11, No. 6, 2016.
Jenkins, T., Chapman, E., and Bryant, M., “Bio-inspired online variable recruitment control of fluidic artificial muscles,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 25 No. 12, 2016.
Bryant, M., Meller, M., and Garcia, E., “Variable Recruitment Fluidic Artificial Muscles: Modeling and Experiments,” Smart Materials and Structures Journal, Vol. 23, 2014.
Project Funding: